+38 (044) 285-40-84
+38 (044) 285-55-87
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We will be glad to cooperate with you! 

Contact us or call to clarify the contacts in your area:

44B Yevgena Konovaltsia Blvd., 4th floor, Kyiv 01133

tel.:  (044) 285-40-84
        (044) 285-55-87

e-mail: ube@ukrbudekspert.com.ua


If you have any question about cooperation, please, feel free to contact:

Chief Engineer of Ukrbudekspertyza LLC Shevchuk Oleksandr Anatoliyovych Deputy Director General of Ukrbudekspertyza LLCGalenda Roman Vyacheslavovych


We invite you to cooperation and we’ll always be glad to see you among our customers!

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01133,. Kyiv, str.
E. Konovaltsa, b. 44-B,
4th floor

+38 (044) 285-40-84
+38 (044) 285-55-87,
+38 (044) 285-55-82
